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Applications for admission of students to the Faculty of Computers and Information shall be submitted to Student Affairs, accompanied by the following documents:

·       A copy of the high school diploma or its equivalent. (with reference to the original)

·       A copy of the birth certificate. (with reference to the original)

·       A copy of the national ID card.

·       Six (6) recent personal photos.

·       Registration statement for transferred students

1-The annual average of a student’s performance is the weighted average of the grades he obtains in the academic year in his two semesters, as follows:

Total score (multiplied the number of hours for each course x the points earned by the student)

/ Total number of hours in the school year

2- The cumulative average (general) is the weighted average of the grades obtained by the student during the last academic period.

3-A mid-term exam is held in each semester, and its date is set in the university calendar, in the seventh lecture in the two main semesters and the summer semester.

The final exam is held in the last week of each semester according to a schedule issued by the Dean of the Faculty. In emergency cases that require submitting a course exam on time, the approval of the Faculty Dean is required.

4- The duration of each of the mid-semester and final exams is limited to two hours each. The Academic Council, after taking the opinion of the Faculty Council and the specialized scientific department, may amend the exam period for any course.


Each course is marked out of 100 % distributed as follows:


1- Exams (75%) are distributed as follows:


a)     (15%) for the midterm exam.


b)   (60%) for the final exam


c)    Semester work (25%), which includes at least the following types of assessment according to the nature of each academic course:

·       Oral and written exams.

·       Reports, research and additional readings.

·       Laboratory experiments, research and field trips.

·       Weekly or monthly duties in the same course.

4- An honors degree is granted to the student who obtains a cumulative average of no less than (3.7) points upon graduation. To obtain an honors degree, the following are required:

-         The student must have studied at least 75% of the graduation requirements in the faculty, and

-         s/he must not have failed in any of the subjects he studied in the faculty.

The student must have completed graduation requirements within a period not exceeding four years after excluding periods of suspension of registration.

Obtaining a bachelor's degree requires that the student successfully pass (144) credit hours, which include general requirements, faculty requirements, in addition to the requirements of the major and minor majors.

According to the system of courses and credit hours, the student is given the opportunity to choose the courses he studies, and in a way that develops the student’s ability to think and assume educational responsibility by participating in selecting the subjects that fit his specialization and distributing them to each semester according to his abilities and inclinations with the help of the academic advisor.

The minimum number of credit hours in the regular academic semester (the study load) is (15) fifteen credit hours, and the upper limit of the study load in the regular semester may not exceed (21) Twenty-one credit hours.

A student may not register in the summer semester more than two courses (6 credit hours); however, with the approval of the Dean of the Faculty, the student may be allowed to register for no more than three courses if he/she has a cumulative GPA of no less than (3.7) points (excellent), enabling him to graduate at the end of the summer semester or with the approval of the Faculty Council.

The study for all disciplines of the scientific departments is in English. The Sadat Academy for Management Sciences, upon the request of the Council of the Faculty of Computers and Information, grants a bachelor’s degree in computers and information in one of the following disciplines:

(A) Computer Science. (B) information systems. (c) Software engineering.

The student must choose a major and a minor from among these three previous majors at the beginning of his transition to the third year in which the major begins. The major and sub-specialties may not be in the same field. Other major or minor majors may be established in the faculty in the future in accordance with the provisions of the Universities Organizing Law and the approval of the Supreme Council of Universities.

Obtaining a bachelor's degree requires that the student successfully complete a study of (144) credit hours, which includes general requirements, requirements for the faculty, in addition to the requirements of the major and minor specializations.

The software engineering specialization began to be applied as an independent field in its own right more than a quarter of a century ago. Originally the term software engineering was used to reflect the application of traditional ideas associated with engineering disciplines to the problem of software building and development. Accordingly, this scientific field is related to the development of software systems in an efficient and reliable manner, and working to provide them on a large scale and their continuous maintenance. The field of software engineering has developed, in the modern era, In response to the increasing importance of software for different applications of a critical nature, and the growth of the impact of large and complex software systems with high cost in many situations. Software engineering as a scientific field in its own right is completely different from the fields of scientific engineering because of the imperceptible nature of software and its unrelated nature as well. Accordingly, the scientific field of software engineering includes a wide range of needs for software expertise, and the main purpose of this specialization is related to the development of systematic models and reliable methods for producing high-quality software, and the field extends from theory and principles to application and actual daily practice.

The Software Engineering Department includes the following areas:

Fundamentals of software engineering - Fundamentals of software requirements - Requirements description and validation - Fundamentals of software design - Software architecture and architecture - Software quality design and analysis - Fundamentals of software construction - Software testing - Fundamentals of software maintenance - Software component management - Software engineering management - Software engineering economics - Software project management - software engineering process - software engineering tools and methods - software quality management - research topics in software engineering - graduation project.