The study for all disciplines of the scientific departments is in English. The Sadat Academy for Management Sciences, upon the request of the Council of the Faculty of Computers and Information, grants a bachelor’s degree in computers and information in one of the following disciplines:
(A) Computer Science. (B) information systems. (c) Software engineering.
The student must choose a major and a minor from among these three previous majors at the beginning of his transition to the third year in which the major begins. The major and sub-specialties may not be in the same field. Other major or minor majors may be established in the faculty in the future in accordance with the provisions of the Universities Organizing Law and the approval of the Supreme Council of Universities.
Obtaining a bachelor's degree requires that the student successfully complete a study of (144) credit hours, which includes general requirements, requirements for the faculty, in addition to the requirements of the major and minor specializations.