Medical care

System of Study

Period of Study

The period of study in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences is three and a half years at least, in order to obtain a bachelor’s degree in accordance with the system of courses and credit hours.

This gives the student an opportunity to choose the courses (subjects) he/she studies and develops the student’s ability to think and shoulder the educational responsibility through participating in the selection of subjects that are appropriate to his/her major and in distributing them in each term according to his/her abilities and inclinations, with the help of the academic advisor and the approval of the Faculty Dean or his/her representative.


Distribution of the Study

The study is distributed into two terms in academic year, each lasting sixteen weeks, and the Academy’s Council decides the start and end dates of the study in the months of June and November of each year for the first the second term.

In the courses offered by the scientific departments and organized by a decision issued by the Faculty Board, a summer semester in no less than (48 hours) is set for courses whose number of credit hours is three whereas a summer semester in no less than (36 hours) is held for courses whose number of credit hours is two.

Students are graduated from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences in June, November and January of each academic year. One of the requirements for graduation is that the student should obtain three months of training, one month each year, or obtain training courses from accredited bodies to develop his/her skills and refine his/her experiences in a way that qualifies him/her to engage in the labor market.

Majors of Study

The Academy’s Scientific Council, based on the approval of the Faculty board, grants a bachelor’s degree in administrative sciences in the following specializations and streams:


First: Bachelor of Administrative Sciences (Arabic Language Stream):

  1. Business administration major in the following :
    • Finance and Investment
    • Marketing and e-commerce
    • Bank management
    • The Petroleum and Energy Facilities Management
  2. Human resource management major
  3. Management information systems major
  4. Economics major
  5. Accounting major
  6. Public and local administration major
  7. Actuarial science major

Second: Bachelor of Administrative Sciences (English Language Stream):


  1. International Business Management – IBM
  2.  Business Information Systems - BIS


Double major

The student can obtain a bachelor’s degree in a double major from the majors offered by the Faculty of Administrative Sciences after completing all the study requirements for both majors. The Academy’s Scientific Council organizes the procedures for completing the double major based on the proposal of the Faculty Board, provided that the student studies the number of credit hours for the additional major.

Credit Hours System

First:    the minimum credit hours (the normal academic load)  in the regular term is (12) twelve credit hours, and the most limit of the academic load in the regular term may not exceed (19) nineteen credit hours.

Second: A student is allowed to register for (22) twenty-two credit hours in the event that he/she obtains a CGPA of not less than (3.7) points (excellent), or if this would enable him/her to graduate in the same semester, based on the proposal of the academic advisor.

Third : A student cannot register more than two courses (6 credit hours) in the summer semester. However, upon the approval of the Faculty Dean, the student may be allowed to register for no more than three courses if he/she has a CGPA of no less than (3.7) points (excellent) or this registration will enable him/her to graduate at the end of the summer semester.


Withdrawal and addition

Upon the approval of the academic advising, the student is allowed to withdraw from studying of or to add two courses at most during the first week of the Summer semester. In these two cases, the withdrawal(s) is not proven in the student’s academic record.


On the other hand, if the student withdraws shortly after the previously specified period and before the start of the mid-term exam, the withdrawal sign (W) is then registered in front of the course or the two courses in the student’s academic record.


Failure and Incomplete Grade

  1. If the student fails to attend the end-of-semester exams, this will result in the grade to change (F), signifying a failure for the course.
  2. If it is proven that the student failed the exam for a serious and legitimate excuse accepted by the Faculty board, and he had successfully passed the semester work exams and the mid-term exam, and did not exceed the allowed percentage of absence,  according the student is then given an “incomplete” grade.

The student must remove the “incomplete” grade before the start of the next semester, in coordination with the Vice Dean for education affairs with the course professor.

Academic Warning

  1. If the student obtains a cumulative average of less than 1.5 points, his/her academic load will be reduced, and in the event that the rate continues to drop, the Faculty Dean will send an academic warning to him based on a memorandum from the Vice-Dean. The Student Affairs Department shall notify the student’s guardian with a copy of the academic warning.
  2. The academic load of academically warned student is reduced to the minimum set (12 credit hours).
  3. The student must remove the effect of the academic warning during the two semesters following his/her receipt of the academic warning, by raising his/her cumulative average to at least (2.00) points.
  4. If the student fails, during the period stipulated in the previous clause, to obtain the minimum cumulative average, he/she is allowed only to register the courses in which he failed.

And in the case of elective courses, he/she can, if he/she wishes, register an alternative course, and if he succeeds in it, it replaces the original course. The student has only two chances to raise his/her cumulative average and remove the warning.

  1. If the student is not able to remove the academic warning according to what is stated in item (c) above, he/she changes his/her academic status to a student from abroad and is given three more chances to register in the courses he/she failed in only to remove the warning. If he/she is unable to do so, he/she is expelled from the Faculty.


Transfer to remove the academic probation warning:

In all cases, the student can transfer to another Faculty major or another stream if this would improve his/her chances of removing the academic probation warning, provided that the Vice Dean for education and student affairs approves the necessary study plan, taking into account the exclusion of courses and grades that are inconsistent with the new study plan.


Attendance and Notice of Absence


The student must regularly follow up and attend lessons and participate in practical applications, in the study and research halls, and in special exams or quarterly work for the subjects in which he/she is registered.

In the event that the student is absent for a period exceeding 25% of the total teaching hours, the student is considered to fail the course and must be prevented from attending the exams (the mid-term end of the semester as the case may be). The student is officially notified by Student Affairs after his absence for three lectures. If the absence is for a serious and legitimate excuse accepted by the faculty board, the student is considered to have withdrawn from the course(s) and will have the withdrawal sign (W) in the certificate of grades.


Absence of students assigned to national missions

  1. The period during which students assigned to national missions are absent to perform a national mission is considered absence with an excuse that does not fall into the calculation of the percentage of absence stipulated in the previous article, bearing in mind that this permit is made in the narrowest limits and after ensuring its inevitable requirements. A decision is issued by the Faculty Dean to approve the excuse.
  2. These students are obligated to perform the semester work in an appropriate manner in agreement with the subject professor.
  3. If these students are absent from the mid-term exam, a test out of 70% for a period of 3 hours is held at the end of the semester in the entire course.
  4. If these students are not able to take the end-of-semester exam for one or more subjects on the specified time, they may apply for an “incomplete” grade, and in this case the provisions related to completion shall apply.


Registration Stopping

  1. Upon the decision of the Faculty Board and after presenting the case to the Committee of Students Affairs, it is permissible to stop the registration of the student upon his/her request. The student then retains the grades that he/she obtained before the suspension of registration if he/she submits a compelling excuse that prevents him/her from attendance and that is accepted by the Faculty Board.  This excuse should be within a maximum period of eight (8) weeks from the start date of the semester in which registration is requested to be suspended. If the excuse is presented after the expiry of the aforementioned eight-week period, the student’s registration may not be suspended except by a decision of the Academy’s Scientific Council based on the proposal of the Faculty Dean. The registration stopping period shall not exceed two consecutive semesters or four separate semesters throughout the student’s study period.


  1. If the excuse offered by the student is not accepted, he/she shall be considered as having dropped out of the study and shall be expelled from the Faculty if he/she did not attend for four consecutive semesters. Otherwise, the dropped-out semesters in this case shall be deducted from the registration stopping period.



  1. If the discontinuation of study was with an excuse accepted by the Faculty Board and the student subsequently submitted a request to stop registration, the period of discontinuation shall be deducted from the registration stopping period.
  2. The registration stopping period does not fall into the period prescribed for obtaining a bachelor's degree.


Fees of the Study

The student must pay the tuition fees within the first two weeks  of the semester. For the summer semester, the fees are paid before the start of the study. For students admitted to the first level, the student is not considered registered in the Faculty until after paying the fees.


The Library

The Faculty’s library serves undergraduates, postgraduates, faculty members, and employees. It has about 25,000 books and references in the various branches of knowledge related to the study of the various specializations of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, namely:

  • Finance and investment track,
  • Marketing and e-commerce track,
  • Human resources management track,
  • Banking management track,
  • Petroleum facilities management track,
  • Major of management information systems,
  • Major of economics, 
  • Major of accounting,
  • Major of public and local administration,
  • Major of actuarial science,
  • Major of international business management,
  • Major of business information systems,
  • Major of business information systems (BIS)

Also, the library includes books on general knowledge, humanities and moral sciences. Moreover, the library follows the system of open shelves. Furthermore, the student has the right to external borrowing. In addition to its main hall, the library has another hall for master's and doctoral theses.

Terms and Conditions of Admission


The number of admitted students

Before the start of the admission procedures (and taking into account the dates for the results of the General Certificate of  Secondary Education and its equivalent), the Academy’s Scientific Council, after taking the opinion of the Faculty Board, determines the number of admitted students each year in the main headquarters and branches and the minimum total score of the General Certificate of  Secondary Education and its equivalent.


Deadlines for Admission

The student is admitted to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences based on an application submitted before the start of the study and on the dates determined by the Academy’s Scientific Council. Applications submitted after the date may be considered, provided that the student enrolls in the next term.


Admission applications and required documents

Applications for admission of students to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences shall be submitted to Student Affairs and the following documents shall be attached to them, endorsed according to the applicable rules:

  1. Transcript of the student's grades in the General Certificate of  Secondary Education or its equivalent.
  2. A copy or an official extract of the birth certificate.
  3. A copy of the ID card.
  4. Medical examination by the Academy.
  5. 6 personal photos.
  6. Any other requirements specified by the Academy's admission policy.

It is stipulated that the student should not have been previously dismissed for disciplinary reasons from another college or scientific institute.



Admission requirements

Applications are accepted from students who have obtained the minimum admission set by the Academy’s Scientific Council after taking the opinion of the College Council. Admission is for those who pass English placement test, skills test and interviews held by the Faculty or any other assessment ways set by Academy’s Scientific Council, after taking the opinion of the Faculty Board according to the order of the successful students in the aforementioned tests and on the basis of the passing score in the General Certificate of Secondary School.

The English language test is separated from the skills test, provided that the passing score in the English language for the Arabic section is 50% and the English language section is 70%. In the event that the student does not obtain the required percentage for the English Language Stream, the student shall study an additional English language course within the compulsory courses in the first year.


Transfer policy from outside the academy and between its branches

The Academy Council sets the transfer policy of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences from outside the Academy and between its branches, after taking the opinion of the faculty Board and taking into account the rules and norms in force in this regard and the nature of study in the Academy, including the following:

  1. The student must be successful in his/her faculty if it is equivalent to the faculty of Administrative Sciences, provided that his/her total score in the General Certificate of Secondary School or its equivalent is not less than the minimum total set by the Academy Board during the year of holding the General Certificate of Secondary School or its equivalent.


  1. As for students transferred from faculties that are not equivalent to the Faculty, it is required to obtain a high score in the General Certificate of Secondary School that qualifies them for admission to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences in the year of holding  the General Certificate of Secondary School.

In all cases, the student must not have stopped studying before transferring to the Faculty.


Admission Steps of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (The Application Process)

  1. Submitted papers (a copy of the General Certificate of Secondary Education - birth certificate - 6 personal photos) are reviewed on their originals.
  2. A supply order of the envelope price is issued by the audit department.
  3. Payment of the envelope and examination fees at the treasury.
  4. All data are written by the student..
  5. Handing over the file to the Registration Committee.
  6. The student gets the file number (the student number in the admission tests).
  7. The place and date of the test will be determined after submitting the student's file (the test place and date will  be determined after the student submits the file).

            Note: Envelope and exam fees are not refundable.

Student Welfare - Student Union

The Student Welfare together with the Student Union conducts various student activities through the committees of the Student Union.

First: Formation of the Student Union:

The Student Union of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences is composed of students who have  already paid for the additional services while international students have the right to practice aspects of the union’s activities without having the right to vote or run for office.

 Second: Objectives of the Union:

The Student Union aims to develop spiritual and moral values ​​and patriotic and national awareness among students, accustom them to leadership, provide them with the opportunity to express their opinions, spread the sound university spirit among students, and strengthen ties between students and the faculty and staff members.

Third: Committees of the Student Union:

The Student Union Council of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences aims to achieve the union’s objectives through the following committees:

  1. Committee of Sports Activity:

This activity aims to spread sportsmanship among students, encourage talents and work on developing them through the following:

  • Team games: (handball - football - volleyball - basketball)
  • Individual games: (table tennis - swimming - wrestling - karate)
  • Participation in the competition held by the Egyptian University Sports Federation  and the activities organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports.


  1. Committee of Cultural Activity:

This activity aims to improve students’ thinking and culture, develop talents in the cultural and literary fields, and connect youth with community issues through the following:

  • Hosting influential thinkers, politicians, and men of science and religion.
  • Issuing a literary magazine and a cultural one
  • Holding a competition for wall magazines, seminars and a competition for memorizing the Noble Qur’an.


  1. Committee of Art Activity:

It aims to develop creative abilities in line with noble purposes, while providing opportunities to highlight talents, encouraging artistic activities and hobbies and supporting them through the following:

  • Music
  • Folk arts
  • Individual and group singing competitions
  • Acting
  • Fine Arts
  • Tailoring and handicrafts.


  1. Committee of Scouts and Public Service:

It aims at organizing the activities of the scouts and guidance movement in accordance with its principles and implementing environmental service programs decided by the Faculty Board in a way that contributes to the development of society and to the national public service projects required by the needs of the country. In addition, it aims at participating in the activities organized by the Association of Naval and Air Scouts for students (male/female).

  1. Committee for Social Activity and Trips:

This activity aims to spread the spirit of community and cooperation and to develop social ties between students, faculty members and employees by all appropriate means through the following:

  • Organizing social and recreational trips and camps
  • Organizing competitions for the ideal student - chess competition
  • Organizing blood donation campaigns as a national goal
  • Providing social services through legitimate channels
  • Participating in reducing study expenses according to the rules (except for new students)


  1. Committee of Families:

This activity aims at the participation of the largest number of students in the various activities through the Student Families that have been previously registered by the specialist in the department of Student Welfare to obtain the approval of the family leader and the youth leader in order to implement the activity so that coordination between the activity of different families is established and their activity is supported.

  1. Committee of Scientific and Technological Activity:

It is specialized in holding scientific seminars and lectures with the aim of developing scientific and technological capabilities and spreading through science clubs and scientific societies.

  1. Other activities:

The activities carried out by The Student Welfare through supervision and organization are

  • Graduation Day
  • Alumni (Graduates) Day Forum
  • Simulation models

Plan of Study

Organization of the study plan

The study plan is organized so that the number of credit hours required to obtain a bachelor’s degree is (138) hours, one hundred and thirty-eight credit hours.

According to the study plan, the number of credit hours required for graduation is distributed between the requirements of general academic learning, the requirements of the humanities and social sciences, the requirements of natural and applied sciences, the common requirements of the faculty, the requirements of the major, specialization streams and free choice. It is also a requirement for graduation to pass the English language proficiency examination determined by the faculty’s Department of Languages.


The authority of determining the majors and streams of the Faculty

The Academy’s Scientific Council, after taking the opinion of the scientific department councils, determines the specializations and courses offered by the Faculty in the main center in Cairo and in the branches each year, according to the available capabilities and the desires of the specialization shown by the students.


Approval of  the contents and study plans for the different curricula

The Faculty Board, based on the proposal of the councils of the specialized scientific departments, approves the contents and study plans for the different curricula.


Student's academic record

All courses studied by the student and their grades are recorded in his/her academic transcript and are included in the calculation of his/her GPA and CGPA.

Upon the proposal of the academic advisor, the student may be allowed, after completing all the credit hours necessary for graduation in his/her specialization, to register in a number of additional courses, with a maximum of three academic courses to improve his CGPA.



Determining the student's academic level

The academic level of the student in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences is determined by the number of credit hours he/she has successfully completed according to the following table:




Successful Credit hours


1 - 33


34 - 68


69 - 105


106 - 138







Change of majors

First:  Students are distributed among the available majors of the Faculty according to the established rules, taking into account that the minimum number for opening any major is 10 students. The scientific department sets the maximum number required for each major and the admission criteria, provided that they are approved by the Faculty Board.

Non-final level students may change the Faculty major within the limits of the vacant seats. Requests to change the major are submitted to the Faculty Dean during the last two weeks of the semester, provided that the request to change major is decided upon within a maximum period of the end of the first week of the following semester. The student shall not change his Faculty major college more than once during the period of his study

Second: The Academy Council sets the organizational policies and procedures according to which the Faculty major is changed after taking the opinion of the Faculty Board and a decision about this is issued by the Academy President.




Accreditation of Results


First:       the Faculty Board approves the results of the semester exams and the exam results are not announced unless the student pays the tuition fees and any additional fees.

Second:  The Academy’s Scientific Council approves the proposal to grant a bachelor’s degree in the various majors offered by the Faculty. After the results’ approval by the Faculty Board, the Faculty issues temporary certificates to its graduates until the issuance of official certificates approved by the Academy Council.

Third:     The scientific departments study the results of the subjects presented by the department and submit a report to the Faculty Board to take the necessary action.