- In the event that the student is absent for a period exceeding 25% of the total teaching hours, the student is considered to have a failed course and must be prevented from entering the exams (the final). If the absence is for a serious and legitimate excuse accepted by the faculty board, the student is considered to have withdrawn from the course(s) and will have the withdrawal sign (W) in the academic record.
- The period during which students are assigned to national tasks is considered an excused absence that is not part of the percentage of absence stipulated in the previous clause, taking into account that this permission is made within the narrowest limits and after confirmation of its inevitable requirements, and a decision approving the excuse is issued by the faculty dean.
- If such students miss the midterm exam, the total marks of the final term exams are 70 as a compensation for the midterm exam.
- If such students are not able to take their final term exam in one course or more, they are allowed to apply for an incomplete grade (I), and in this case, the provisions regarding the incomplete grade (I) are applied.